aj externej komunikácii ESG. V rámci našej služby ESG Communication pripravujeme komunikačné stratégie šité na mieru, ktoré sú založené na dátach, behaviorálnom prístupe a dopadoch na biznis.
Together with innovative companies, academic research, and start-ups, we find communication solutions that will enable a better technological impact.
We connect brands with customers in the form of well-integrated campaigns with tangible outcomes based on a strong concept, meaningful and visually appealing content, and an original experience.
Based on research and data, we help our clients understand what their expectations are and what factors their reputation is based on.
We create both internal and external campaigns to attract and retain the brightest talents that are the perfect fit for your company.
Campaigns that are modern, enlightening, educational, digital, data-driven, and behavioural and that improve healthcare systems.
A transparent, modern, and authentic approach towards politics and public affairs that influences the business environment.
Seesame is where the magic happens. We create strong campaigns with a wider social reach. And with the right communication, we help companies and non-profits change things for the better.
We shoot news reports and animated films, create podcasts, write long-form and native advertising, and work with data and its visualisation.
Behavioral Insights by Seesame je inovatívny projekt, ktorého cieľom je pomôcť klientom nastaviť strategickú komunikáciu tak, aby motivovala ľudí k pozitívnej zmene správania.
A great idea must attract, bring emotions. Creativity though is not only about a big idea, but also about perfect execution.
Dobrá kreatíva musí zaujať, vyvolať emócie. Snažíme sa priniesť nový pohľad a tvoriť kampane, v ktorých vidíme širší zmysel. Dobrá kreatíva nie je len o nápade, ale aj o jeho dokonalom stvárnení.
The goals of our PR work are constant, but the environment and the tools we use to achieve them change all the time. Connecting two decades of experience in PR with the ability to navigate through digital space, puts us in a great position to do meaningful communication in both the offline and online worlds.